BPD - A Self-Help Guide for Families

Do You have a loved one suffering the symptoms of Borderline Personality?

Are you becoming anxious, stressed, tense, worried or finding it hard to cope?

Have family relations started to deteriorate, or is dysfunction occurring?

If so, this book can provide you with the latest research to help you Cope better and improve your Quality of Life!

BPD - A Self-Help Guide for Families

Brief Book Synopsis

As the author of the ‘BPD - A Self-Help Guide for Families’ this book is intended to offer some guidance to families who have a sibling or partner who has been professionally diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It’s aim is to provide you with a better understanding of the disorder and to bolster an opportunity for stress prevention and improve interpersonal relations and their quality of life.

BPD is the most common and most serious of the known personality disorders and it’s a mental health disorder that’s well noted by unstable moods, behaviors and relationships. It is also a condition of the brain and mind, and there’s a common thread of thought among the field scholars, that the condition is characterized by ‘emotional dysregulation’. In other words, a professionally diagnosed borderline patient, will often show ‘over-reactivity’ or ‘hyperactivity of emotional responses’.

My evidential book research also suggests that this disorder is characterized by the hallmark of emotional disorders, frequent intense negative emotions and adverse reactions to them. In addition, there can be a high level of neuroticism’ and risk of self-harming behaviors. When a mental health disorder such as BPD strikes a family, it’s not uncommon for your loved-one’s to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, distressed or even experience total burn-out. Sadly, it can all become a vicious circle.

In addition, reactive behavior responses readily occur, and communication breakdown or stress becomes the consequence. Hence, the quality of family relationships will also tend to deteriorate. This self-help guide provides a snapshot of the major symptoms and the risk factors associated with them and the need for understanding the triggers for BPD symptoms is discussed at length.

The second part of the book is heavily focused on self-coping’ strategies; and, I also discuss the need to have the necessary conversations; so, as to understand and implement future planning. A stand-alone chapter on stress awareness and how to manage it, is provided to place families in a stronger position to alleviate any potential resentment, frustration, distress, anger, heartache or total dysfunction.

In the final stage of the book I explain the importance of Spirituality, and the need to harness spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation and interacting with nature. All of which, can assist to reduce or mitigate potential adverse impacts from symptoms and improve interpersonal family relations.

Potential Benefits to You

· You will learn about the disorder & its associated symptoms

· You gain to understand your symptoms and why they’re occurring (triggers)

· You can reduce emotional suffering and improve interpersonal relationships

· You will understand the power behind prayer, meditation & compassion

· You can gain more inner contentment and peace of mind

BPD - A Self Help Guide for Families

Inspiring Expert Quotes

Because many of the book references are peer-reviewed by field experts, it’s important to get a feel for what they found and have revealed. Here is a snapshot of a few of the published research study statements taken from my book; as, many of these higher rates of remission from BPD symptoms were speculated as being related to treatment effectiveness.

“It’s important to confront and address the problems full on, and not to ignore them or pretend that they will just go away. Key risk management strategies include ‘staying calm’, and ‘paying attention’ to ‘effective listening’. It’s also important to strive to resist the temptation to over-react”.

Dr. John Gunderson & Dr. Cynthia Berkowitz - McLean Hospital residence U.S.A. - Multiple Family Group Program’

“Not paying attention to their loved one’s opinions or not allowing them to heard, plus invalidation (e.g. lack of or inadequate response to their loved-one’s concerns) can be a trigger. Interpersonal discord is a prime catalyst for many mental health problems.” 

-  Psychiatrist Professor Mark Allen

“Some of the common experiences and their various effects amongst families can include ‘constant worry’, ‘guilt’, to ‘fear’ and ‘strained to unstable interpersonal relationships. Bearing in mind also, that in some situations, even a complete breakdown can occur.”

-  Professor Gratz & Dr. Chapman. [ 6 ]

  “Many sufferers do well within intermittent treatment programs by well-meaning non-experts. In other words, short-term treatment interventions can also produce enduring benefits.”

-   Dr. John Gunderson BPD Subject Expert [27]

BPD - A Self-Help Guide for Families

   Book Purchase Options

My BPD - A Self-Help Guide for Families book is readily available from Amazon in both paperback and e-Book formats to read on your Kindle device or on your Kindle app. If you wish to go straight to the online store, then click the following links so you can complete your choice and purchase.

Paperback Book Version
https://www.amazon.com/bpd-a-self-help-guide-for-families/dp/ 1542704456

Kindle eBook Version